Are you the HBIC of your life?
The Head Bitch In Charge! The mission of Ambitchious is to help women achieve the best versions of themselves; physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. The Ambitchious woman doesn't shy away from a challenge. She faces them head on while asking the questions “How can I improve?” and “How can I serve?” The Ambitchious Program is not a band-aid. It is not a quick fix. It is a tool for those who have the drive to heal generational trauma, inner child wounds, and other dark afflictions that hold them back from their full potential.

A Little About Katie Boyd
"Is it okay to be a bitch?"
Hell yes! World renowned fitness, nutrition, spiritual, and lifestyle coach Katie Boyd is here to tell you not only that it’s okay, but that the word is something you should embrace with every fiber of your being. For years, she struggled with insecurity any time someone called her that. One day, she came home crying because a boy at her Catholic school had called her a bitch. Her wise grandmother calmed her told her that the word was an acronym for “Being in Total Control of Herself.” This defining moment was the birth of Katie Boyd’s Ambitchious movement.

Start Being Ambitchious!
Whether you're looking to jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey or looking to join a community of like minded women you can find everything to start living the Ambitchious lifestyle below!
Everything you need to start being your best self!
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What is KBMFC?
KBMFC stands for Katie Boyd's Miss Fit Club! Katie originally opened her original boutique wellness facility in Wellesley, MA 12 years ago. Now, located in Hudson, New Hampshire, Katie continues to help women focus on fitness, health, and wellbeing.
Why should I choose Katie?
Check out one of our many satisfied customers! Women from all backgrounds have had their lives changed through Katie's coaching methods. Make sure to check out some of their testimonials.
How can I work with Katie?
Simply click on "Contact" at the top of the page to reach out! Someone will get back to you and fill you in on all the best ways to work with Katie, whether one on one or through the Ambitchious App!